Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day Eleven

This morning was great because Mr. Karpov taught technique. He is my favorite because his excellent sense of humor and his little quirks brighten everyone's day. Personally, I love to dance in a light environment. Today he imitated a rabbit, and I noticed that he has a habit of saying, "Mamma Mia" and "Nokay!!" ("Nokay" like "Okay") As you can probably tell, the expression is a little difficult to translate.
After lunch Mr. Bossov taught another acting class. This time there were twice as many of us as last time. He gave us a series of ballet gestures including "beautiful," "handsome," "I hate you", and, "I'll marry you."
Ms. Getman led another rehearsal for the Sleeping Beauty Prologue. Since I have been focusing on paying attention and taking notes, I have noticed that I am no longer the one that she yells at constantly. This makes me think that my methods are working. She made an interesting statement today; one that I had never thought about before. She said, "The difference between ballet today and ballet one hundred years ago is that, today a choreographer begins with counts, "one, two, three, four," while a hundred years ago, a choreographer would begin with music. She made the point that musicality has become a dancer's second priority, when it should be his first. I agree. Maybe I'll download the music to Sleeping Beauty.
I have to add that today I got to know one of the most clueless people I have ever met. I'll call him Mr. SLRB.- Spoiled Little Rich Boy. First of all, he introduced himself to me like so: "The inside of my ear itches, what's your name?" I almost didn't say anything. In acting class Mr. Bossov asked him to introduce himself and give a little of his background. He explained to us that his family had three houses, right next to each other. He promptly sat down, smiling goofily. Later, at dinner, he told us that he doesn't usually stay in a hotel on his vacations to Spain because he has a yacht. He said this as ice cream trickled down his chin. Need I say more??
Today was good. I hope tomorrow will be even better, and I am looking forward to this Independence Day weekend!! Abby and I will plan something fun.. and work, don't worry Mum.

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