Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day Seventeen

Today was better than yesterday for two reasons: 1) the temperature was about eighty-five instead of ninety-five, and 2) everyone rehearsed Act One together, which saved the corps (me included) a lot of stressful energy. It amazes me that we have learned the entirety of Act One in three days!! I wouldn't have thought it possible.
Ms. Natalya and Ms. Karpova have switched places in my mind. Ms. Natalya is absolutely brutal as a teacher, and Ms. Karpova is merciful. I think their different approaches exist because Ms. Natalya teaches year round and Ms. Karpova doesn't. My guess is that Ms. Natalya has become familiar enough with most of the students to be comfortable yelling at them. As always, Mr. Karpov is simply hilarious.
Abby and I might sleep in the common room tonight because our room is rather hot and damp. I heard that last summer was cold and rainy, and that this summer is one unexpected heat wave for Maine. We will go to Reny's for another fan. Right now we plan on watching some Cirque Du Soleil.
- I apologize that the video didn't go up yesterday, but it's up now. This is definitely one to watch!! Click on the link above.

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