Monday, July 19, 2010

Day Twenty-Nine

Today was a strange day. First, Mr. Karpov led fifteen minutes of floor barre then told us to go to sleep. We did, and for about forty-five minutes. It felt good, but rehearsal was extremely easy for me today. In fact, I got out at 3:00-- a record. I was expecting to be able to make up for sleeping with two long hours of Act Three.
Abby, on the other hand, got out at 5:15 after learning the entirety of the Jewels section for Act Three. It will be my favorite act by far!! There are some wonderfully dramatic characters!! Since Princess Aurora wakes up, everyone comes to the castle to celebrate. The royal family invites Puss in Boots and the White Cat, Mr. and Mrs. Ogre, Little Red Riding Hood and The Wolf, and the Bluebirds.
Tomorrow is the first day of Pittsfield's "Egg Festival." There is actually a website for it that explains the whole thing. Abby read it and reported that there will be a street dance tomorrow night from 8:00 to 10:00. We will most certainly attend. I don't really know what to expect, so this will be an exciting experience for me!! We'll take lots of pictures!!

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