Friday, July 9, 2010

Day Nineteen

Everything went well for me today. I like those kind of days-- when everything is fairly positive. The day got better when Mr. Bossov announced that we would not have any weekend rehearsals. I guess he was happy with our performances. Ms. Natalya was. Her face lit up and she did a little dance.
The weather is getting nicer now. Tomorrow a thunder storm will come and hopefully cool things down some more. To enjoy the weather, Abby and I walked down town to get mocha slushies (coffee and chocolate in ice).
We told ourselves before going down town that we would find something rather exciting to do, but we weren't really motivated. I stopped by the common room as I waited for Abby and found something fun to do by accident. There was a bird flying around the hallway. That was fun!! Tim ended up scaring it so badly that it went through a hole in ceiling, probably into the insulation. Oops. I guess we'll know what to think if we hear anything. I can just imagine the poor girl who does her laundry at night and gets scared to death.
-- I know now (not that I doubted), that Co. Wylie will certainly enforce the rules of the school. He sent one of the fairies home today for an offense.

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