Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day Thirteen

Abby and I enjoyed sleeping in. Also, rehearsal went well. To my surprise Mr. Bossov gave me another role. He threw me into it, and I was a little shocked at first. Thankfully the role doesn't involve any dancing, however. In addition to being part of the Lilac Fairy corps, I am now a Lady of the Court.
My partner,Tim, knew the scene that we rehearsed by heart, which was another thing to be thankful for. I have come to realize that, even though Tim is only thirteen (and much taller than me), he can focus better than I can. I think he really knows how to absorb information, even details. I hope that by rehearsing with him, I can pick up some of his skills.
Abby and I walked to Reny's this afternoon. From the outside it appeared to be tiny, but it was actually huge!! We asked a clerk for directions to find a blanket (the nights get chilly), and she told us to go upstairs. The store had everything that a Target or a Walmart would, literally. I was pleasantly surprised. We stopped for ice cream at Big Bill's on our way back to the campus. It was amazing, as I expected. Maine really has great local ice cream places.


  1. Glad you're doing good! We miss you.

  2. I'd love Aria to write me a letter. I've been writing Anna and Zoe Fuson. : )


  4. It should definitely be Big Ben's.
