Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day Fourteen (Two Weeks)

A remarkable thing happened today... the temperature reached ninety degrees. Still, ninety degrees in Maine is much different than ninety degrees in North Carolina. Abby and I visited the Baptist church again. The pastor spent an hour and twenty minutes on music and communion; he spoke for about fifteen. I can tell that he loves to speak, and I like that he seems to know the history behind every story and reference in the Bible. He reminds me of a certain teacher I know.
We were last to get to the cafeteria, and it was empty of students. So, we had brunch with Col. and Ms. Wylie.- a bit of an odd arrangement. He was on the phone with a police officer when we sat down. Apparently someone walked into the gym after being told once to stay away. I think that someone is in BIG trouble.
We planned on having fun at the acclaimed festival for the fourth and watching fireworks tonight, but, as Col. Wylie stated and to our dismay, Pittsfield celebrates two weeks after the fourth. How weird and annoying is that?? We have recruited some fellow dancers to lay down on the grass of the football field and pretend to watch fireworks. I suppose we'll expand our imaginations for Mr. Bossov's acting class.
Speaking of acting class, Mr. Bossov gave us some homework. We are to split into threes and choose stories to mime. My group has chosen Snow White. I don't know how we'll deal with the seven dwarves, but I expect it will be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we missed your phone call. Happy 4th of July! Sorry you didn't get to see any fireworks!
