Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day Thirty-Four

Abby and I slept later than we have yet. It felt good. Poor Abby had a rehearsal at 11:30, so the morning was still a little stressful for her; however, it she told me that it went well. I was glad not to have had anything today, but I felt a little lazy to be in my room while she danced.
Our meeting with Col. Wylie was good. He pretty much let us know that he absolutely wanted us to attend year round. Also, he added that we are on Mr. Bossov's list of hopefuls. That made me feel good. I learned that, in addition to teaching ballet and character, Mr. Bossov teaches a contemporary/freestyle class. I would not have guessed, but I should have. He really is talented. I heard a story from another dancer today about last summer. She said that a few girls presented Mr. Bossov with a giant stuffed puppy dog, which they named Baryshnikov. Apparently he hated the dog because, while he danced with Kirov alongside Baryshnikov, it was Baryshnikov who danced most of the better roles. I'm sure that the story is almost entirely fictional, but I like it nonetheless.
Tonight we did watch fireworks. A group of us sat in the cemetery, which is where Col. Wylie directed us to go. It was slightly creepy, but definitely fun!! The show was good. The little boy beside us made it even better. He said, "Wow!! That one went out of Earth!!" and, "The smoke is cool, I just love the smell of danger." I think he was the best part.


  1. Going to Bossov all year would be awesome but you can't do it without taking at least your mom! Any jobs for an English major up there? Or for a wildlife/forestry type? I'm glad Mr. Bossov is pleased with you!

  2. This comment and the previous one are from Mom not Sam....I don't know why it says Sam!

  3. I was wondering why Sam suddenly became more efficient and thoughtful about his writing. Then I wondered if I knew someone else named Sam.
    - I'd love everyone to move to Maine!! It would make me so happy!! I didn;t ask Col. Wylie, but I will.
    - I hope our meeting with Mr. Bossov and Ms. Natalya goes well. I can't wait to know everything that they have to say. I'll see you guys on Friday!!

  4. I'm not sure what time we will get there. What is your schedule like that day?
