Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day Thirty-Seven

Today marks the end of being in the studios here at the school. I'm so excited to see the opera house for the first time. I've heard that it's small, but that it has a lot of character. I think tomorrow will be good. We are happy just to have a change of scenery.
Tonight was majorly fun!! At 8:15, a group of us met at Park's Gym to organize a game of "Man Hunt." The rules are simple: Stay away from the "its." If one of them tags you, then you join them to find everyone else. The concept reminds me a little of a pack of vampires or werewolves... or zombies. No, I have not seen the new Twilight movie. Unfortunately, I fell down a few times. The grass happened to be slippery. I'm ok, just a little scraped up. Some bandaids and a shower will make me as good as new.
I must leave my entry as it is, because I have to sleep. However, I will have some great news tomorrow of my experience at the theatre. Thanks to everyone who is reading!!

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