Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day Eighteen

Today was a little cooler than yesterday, but every building except for the cafeteria was still stifling. Last night Abby and I did sleep in the common room. We were beside the Coke machine (that always eats everyone's money) because the floor was nice and cold. We'll probably be there again tonight.
I filled in for my first cast double in rehearsal today. The part was much harder than I expected because we have to hold baskets of flowers. I had never practiced with a basket, so I had a little trouble. However, Ms. Natalya seemed to be an exceptionally good mood today. She did not yell once.
Acting class with Mr. Bossov was good today as well. My group's mime went very well. He praised that fact that our movements were clear, and specifically that we paused after each. It felt good to have some positive feed back from him.- a rare thing. He led us through an exercise in improvisation: he picked two of us at a time to act to each other as certain characters. At one point Abby was a magic eight ball and I wished for my love to ask me to dance. This was so much fun!! I shook her, made my wish, and she said: "There is no such thing as true love." By the end of class, Mr. Bossov was laughing hard enough to have trouble communicating to us. That felt good also.
- Thanks to everyone who has been reading. I appreciate knowing that you find my summer interesting. I'll keep writing.


  1. Hey Katie,
    This is Karyn. I had been in your level until Wednesday. I just found your blog off of Facebook and was very excited. It's nice to be able to read whats going on while I cant be there :) Keep it up. Miss you all

  2. Thank you, Katie! I look forward to reading every day!

  3. Hi Karyn!! I'm so sorry you can't dance this summer!! Will you take a few classes, like pilates??
    -- No problem, Mrs. Paulson!! Thank you!!

  4. Aw, thanks. I'm hoping to take some pilates and floor bar! See you maybe on Monday :)
