Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day Thirty-Two

Rehearsals lasted for three and a half hours today and almost killed me, but for some reason I left happy. Abby and I were just in a good mood. I guess it feels good to be pushed to the limit every once in a while. Something funny happened during rehearsal as well. Natalya told me that I day dream, but I disagreed until today. I and a few others were standing in the way of a group of characters coming on stage, one of which was Mr. Bossov as the King, and everyone moved except me. I didn't see his face, but my friend told me that he laughed as he told me: "Katie, I kill you." Oops.
This rehearsal was the Friday cast, but tomorrow will be the Saturday cast. Saturday's performance will be my easy one because I'll be in character shoes. Also, I love to act with Tim during the Prologue, when Carabose puts her spell on Aurora. The only problem is that he has not yet failed to crack me up. (or, as Mr. Bossov would say, "crack me down.")
A group of us has requested another hour or two for curfew tomorrow night so we can play "capture the flag." Our weekend doesn't involve any rehearsals!! I'm so glad!! I hope this weekend will be slightly more eventful than last. I apologize for not having anything good to speak of.

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