Friday, July 23, 2010

Day Thirty-Three

Wow!! Today was the last normal day of classes (if I can say normal). On Monday we'll be at the Waterville Opera House for a tech rehearsal. I'm a little nervous, but extremely excited!!
Unfortunately, today's rehearsal was worse than yesterday's. Everything was just not very clean. I guess the second cast has some work to do. We heard Mr. Bossov really yell for the first time this summer. He even took some parts away and threatened to take others. Abby and I weren't on his list. Whew.
I'm almost a hundred percent positive that I won't be able to finish my piece before the end of this program, but I'll work on it. I haven't been able to get into the studios alone. I think everyone has been really pushing hard this week to master choreography, so every studio has been in use.
Hmm. Some funny moments... There was one. After the Ogre chased his tasty little children off stage, the whole studio became quiet for a moment. Then he laughed aloud and everyone heard him. All of us just cracked down!! By the way, I like the phrase, so I'll use it from now on.
Our game of "capture the flag" never worked out because no one was motivated enough to get everyone's attention. I'm not worried though, tomorrow night are fireworks!! Also scheduled for tomorrow, is a meeting with Col. Wylie about staying year round. He caught us on our way out of the cafeteria tonight. So, at 4:30 in Parks Gymnasium, Abby and I will talk with him. I am interested in what the school has to offer, even though I don't plan on coming next year.

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