Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day Twenty-Seven (Continued)

In response to a complaint on the length of my previous blog, I have decided to add a few details. First, during rehearsal I partnered Tim.-- Aways an amusing experience, as I have come to know. He kept making me crack up on purpose. No one really noticed, however, because we stand to the side and react to the dancers around us. When Carabose's bats fly in, he said to me: "My God!! Someone really should take care of this infestation!!" Then he said, "The bat in the pink leotard appears to be particularly ferocious."
When Abby and I were in the studio tonight, we debated whether to turn the piece into a collection of Mr. Karpov's animal impersonations. These are: the moose, the lobster, the fish, and the bird. I must admit that it would be a hilarious project.

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