Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day Twenty-One (Three Weeks)

Today was, like yesterday, fairly uneventful. Abby and Paula (a friend here) had fun in the rain. I took pictures of them kicking puddles and rolling down the hill to the football field. That part was my fun.
I mentioned the "Fireflies" duet to Gentry (one of the better guys when it comes to partnering), and he was happy to participate. I think, however, that I will choreograph to a different song-- I know, a big change. I just finished adding the String Tribute version of "Lips of an Angel" to my musical collection, and I can just see the piece in my mind as a duet with a boy and a girl. There is a link to it on this page.
I cannot believe that I am already three weeks into this program!! I can still remember the day I came as if it was yesterday. After this week, which will fly by, we only have one week until the weeks of rehearsals at the theater. Apparently Mr. Bossov rehearses at the theater for four to five days before a performance. I think I like the idea. Being in the theater, waiting to perform, is something I enjoy tremendously!!

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