Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day Twenty

Today was unfortunately uneventful. Abby and I went to breakfast, worked for three hours on some school work, then rehearsed a little in the gym. I also began choreographing a piece for her to a piano concerto version of Owl City's "Fireflies." A link to the song is on this page. It's absolutely beautiful!!
Abby thinks I should make it into a duet with one of the guys here (not a bad idea). The only problem lies in getting him to dance it. Actually, another problem is that, aside from this summer's pas classes, I have had virtually no experience with partnering. Then again, there are a thousand lifts, slides, turns, etc. that haven't been recorded. I guess I can make up anything.
Right now Abby and I plan on watching some MASH and going to bed. This day has gone by quickly, considering that we have done very little. Tomorrow will be here in a blink.

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