Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day Sixteen

Eighty-five degrees isn't usually so bad, but none of these buildings have air conditioning. To dance in this weather is almost suicide. Natalya even turned off a much beloved fan for technique because it was too loud. I think everyone who took her class wanted to scream!!
On the bright side, I have finished learning the entire waltz section of Act One. Natalya taught it in two two-hour rehearsals. I think the section is about three minutes long, so we have really pushed a lot of information into our brains. Tomorrow we will rehearse all of Act One with everyone.
I have labeled Mr. Karpov the comic relief of this summer. Today he was hilarious!! He and his wife, Ms. Anna Karpova, taught a class together. She would say, "Ok, let's move on," and he would reply, "One more time, girls," with a smile to her. At some point today she walked into the studio and asked for his help with some choreography. He said (in a thick Russian accent), "No Anna, I don't like ballet, only fish.. and airplanes."
- Here is a link to a video of Mr. SLRB's Zumba class!! Please watch, but don't think this is what Abby and I came for.

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