Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day Twenty-Three

Ms. Natalya gave us another brutal rehearsal today. We danced for two and a half hours straight, now my feet ache all over. In fact, my whole body is ready to do nothing for a long time. However, tomorrow will be fairly enjoyable because our schedule includes pilates and partnering, two classes that I love.
Abby, Gentry, and I played with some lifts and turns tonight. That was fun, but I really had no clue what to have them try. Fortunately, Gentry had a whole book of interesting tricks stored in his brain. At one point he said to Abby, "Ok, so you're going to jump and tuck, then I'll flip you backwards, push you onto my shoulder, and you'll slide down my body." We both looked at him with our mouths hanging open. Actually, the lift worked out very well. I think I'll put into to piece!!

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