Friday, July 16, 2010

Day Twenty-Six

I am happy with today because I feel as though I have taken a little step toward becoming a better dancer. After this morning's technique class, with Ms. Natalya, I determined that no way is the right way in terms of ballet technique. She made a point of contradicting Ms. Karpova and Mr. Karpov. She said, "I am not saying that they are wrong, only that their way doesn't make sense to me." Of course, I've had experience with contradictions in terms of ballet, but today the concept just seemed to click inside my head.
I also learned a few new things in character class with Ms. Natalya. In fact, today's character class was the most helpful and intriguing character class that I've ever experienced. She began with a little about the history of dance. Apparently King Louis XVI introduced organized dance to English nobility, which contributed in part to today's ballet. Also, at that time and for a while after, there were two types of dance: the dance of the nobility and the dance of the peasants. These steps were essentially identical; however, the dance differed in manner and costume. In class we danced a portion of a Hungarian dance of the nobles. I felt like I enjoyed it more after learning about it.
Rehearsal went fairly well, but my feet took a beating. I have a new blister. I don't know what it is with me and having blisters. I guess I just don't have good luck.

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