Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day Ten

Today was another grueling day. This time Ms. Getman taught us a huge portion of the Sleeping Beauty Prologue. She even told us, after dancing until 4:45, to rehearse after dinner until we had it down. I did, of course, but wished to be in bed. To my surprise, it only took me about fifteen minutes of practice to get a firm handle on the choreography.
Mr. Karpov taught a pas class this afternoon. I think I was slightly taller than my partner, but he amazed me!! As I jumped he lifted me at arms length over his head, and I felt like I was flying!! I think if Mr. Karpov had given him a grade for that class, it would have been an A plus times ten.
I can say that I almost have the hang of Vaganova. At this point returning to the Balanchine/Italian/French technique of Raleigh School of Ballet will be challenging. I feel like the training that I have had at RSB was good enough to make the Bossov Ballet teachers fix everything about my technique (since I needed fixing, I must have the RSB technique down). Now I have to count on RSB to fix everything I learn here (with my best efforts also), because this training is equally as affective. I do hope to be able to lock every piece of information given to me into my memory to improve my versatility.- Only one aspect of a great dancer's ability.

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