Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Nine

Mr. Bossov did some casting today. I am part of the corps de ballet for the prologue. Abby is the Crystal Fountain Fairy. Abby, I told you Mr. Bossov liked you!!
Today was even tougher than yesterday. In fact, it was my toughest day yet. After rehearsal, which ended at 4:30, Ms. Getman told me to stay off of pointe for at least two days. I guess my toe was that obvious. Oops. Honestly, I am relieved.
I did learn a lesson from today, however. I learned that I must work as hard as I can to increase my ability to pick up choreography at the pace of my teachers. This decision sprung from a statement of Ms. Getman's. She walked up to me during rehearsal, knocked on my head, and asked, "Is anyone home?" From now on it's no rest during class hours or rehearsals for me. I have written down all of today's corrections, in hopes of somehow making a difference. I plan to record and study them regularly.
It rained today, but the rain cooled this place to about sixty degrees. I love the weather!! Yesterday Col. Wylie mentioned that the town of Pittsfield celebrates Independence Day with a passion!! He described an impressive array of carnival rides and lots of fireworks!! I am confident that this fourth of July will be a good one.


  1. I LOVE FIREWORKS! Take care of your toe! We miss you lots.

  2. Good for you with your positive attitude to learn from your corrections!
    Yikes...just ask Abby, at any time, anyone could come up to me and knock on my head..... and the answer would be...no one is home, she's left the building.....Hang in there and I'm praying your toe will heal quickly!

  3. Thanks, Ms. Webb and Ms. Paulson!! My toe will be better; it's not better yet. I hope the weekend will help it.
