Monday, June 28, 2010

Day Eight

Today was tough. The placement class went better than I anticipated. Abby and I are still in level three and are starting to get the hang of the Vaganova technique. Last entry I estimated that ten new dancers came, but I was wrong. At least twenty new dancers appeared this morning, including five boys. Apparently three more boys will come this week also. I think we can look forward to having some decent pas classes.
At 10:30 we had a technique class with Ms. Getman, then went to lunch. Lunch was followed by character with Ms. Karpova and two hours of Sleeping Beauty auditions. This was my first audition for a performance. Of course I thought it could have gone much better for me, but it also could have gone much worse. The audition was very nerve wracking. Apparently Abby was exceptionally good today, because Mr. Bossov took her arm afterward to tell her "Good job, very very good." Later, as I introduced myself to another girl, the girl asked, "So who's your friend?", referring to Abby. I told her and she said, "Oh!! So you're Abby." I think Abby has become the topic of conversation. Who knows?? If Mr. Bossov favors her, then she could be Aurora!!
Col. Wylie scheduled another fire drill for 10:00 tonight. I guess our plan for this evening is to relax and watch some MASH, sprint down the stairs and onto the field outside like there's no tomorrow, then get into bed and fall right asleep.
- Don't forget to read Abby's blog as well.

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