Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day Ten

Today was another grueling day. This time Ms. Getman taught us a huge portion of the Sleeping Beauty Prologue. She even told us, after dancing until 4:45, to rehearse after dinner until we had it down. I did, of course, but wished to be in bed. To my surprise, it only took me about fifteen minutes of practice to get a firm handle on the choreography.
Mr. Karpov taught a pas class this afternoon. I think I was slightly taller than my partner, but he amazed me!! As I jumped he lifted me at arms length over his head, and I felt like I was flying!! I think if Mr. Karpov had given him a grade for that class, it would have been an A plus times ten.
I can say that I almost have the hang of Vaganova. At this point returning to the Balanchine/Italian/French technique of Raleigh School of Ballet will be challenging. I feel like the training that I have had at RSB was good enough to make the Bossov Ballet teachers fix everything about my technique (since I needed fixing, I must have the RSB technique down). Now I have to count on RSB to fix everything I learn here (with my best efforts also), because this training is equally as affective. I do hope to be able to lock every piece of information given to me into my memory to improve my versatility.- Only one aspect of a great dancer's ability.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Nine

Mr. Bossov did some casting today. I am part of the corps de ballet for the prologue. Abby is the Crystal Fountain Fairy. Abby, I told you Mr. Bossov liked you!!
Today was even tougher than yesterday. In fact, it was my toughest day yet. After rehearsal, which ended at 4:30, Ms. Getman told me to stay off of pointe for at least two days. I guess my toe was that obvious. Oops. Honestly, I am relieved.
I did learn a lesson from today, however. I learned that I must work as hard as I can to increase my ability to pick up choreography at the pace of my teachers. This decision sprung from a statement of Ms. Getman's. She walked up to me during rehearsal, knocked on my head, and asked, "Is anyone home?" From now on it's no rest during class hours or rehearsals for me. I have written down all of today's corrections, in hopes of somehow making a difference. I plan to record and study them regularly.
It rained today, but the rain cooled this place to about sixty degrees. I love the weather!! Yesterday Col. Wylie mentioned that the town of Pittsfield celebrates Independence Day with a passion!! He described an impressive array of carnival rides and lots of fireworks!! I am confident that this fourth of July will be a good one.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day Eight

Today was tough. The placement class went better than I anticipated. Abby and I are still in level three and are starting to get the hang of the Vaganova technique. Last entry I estimated that ten new dancers came, but I was wrong. At least twenty new dancers appeared this morning, including five boys. Apparently three more boys will come this week also. I think we can look forward to having some decent pas classes.
At 10:30 we had a technique class with Ms. Getman, then went to lunch. Lunch was followed by character with Ms. Karpova and two hours of Sleeping Beauty auditions. This was my first audition for a performance. Of course I thought it could have gone much better for me, but it also could have gone much worse. The audition was very nerve wracking. Apparently Abby was exceptionally good today, because Mr. Bossov took her arm afterward to tell her "Good job, very very good." Later, as I introduced myself to another girl, the girl asked, "So who's your friend?", referring to Abby. I told her and she said, "Oh!! So you're Abby." I think Abby has become the topic of conversation. Who knows?? If Mr. Bossov favors her, then she could be Aurora!!
Col. Wylie scheduled another fire drill for 10:00 tonight. I guess our plan for this evening is to relax and watch some MASH, sprint down the stairs and onto the field outside like there's no tomorrow, then get into bed and fall right asleep.
- Don't forget to read Abby's blog as well.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Link to "Thoughts on Katie's Thoughts"

Day Seven (One Week)

Abby and I visited the tiny First Baptist church on campus this morning. A few other girls in the Bossov program were there also. For the most part I liked it very much. - Mum and Dad, it reminded me of St. John's in Maryland because of its size. Everyone knew everyone and the pastor called on individual people to stand and make announcements.
From there we went to Waterville for lunch and a movie. We saw "Knight and Day," with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. It was highly entertaining; I absolutely recommend it!! I have to add that when we entered the theater there were only three or four couples, and they were all senior citizens!! I guess it appealed to everyone.
We stopped by the local grocery store called Bud's Shop N' Save, and were back on campus by 3:30. Abby and I ran into Col. Wylie on our way to check in. He greets me and Abby very fondly now that he has met Mr. Paulson, a fellow Naval Academy graduate. Mr. Paulson has even given us some Navy vocabulary and phrases to use when we speak to him. For example: He asks, "What's up?" We say, "Fidelity is up and Obedience is down on my Naval Academy belt buckle, Sir." I have the feeling that we will become good friends with Col. Wylie by the end of these six weeks. I also agree with Mr. Paulson that, to impress Col. Wylie, we should organize a march to the cafeteria from the dorms.
More people have arrived today for the five-week program. Tomorrow is another placement class, followed by Sleeping Beauty auditions. I'm a little nervous. I heard from someone that the faculty generally places a student in the next lowest level to his after this placement class. This has to do with the fact that so many more students come for the five-week program than for the six. Thus, if Abby and I are moved to level two, it will be because of the appearance of at least ten new dancers who have had more experience than us.
May I also add that my toe nail has died. In fact, it is no longer even blue. It is entirely devoid of life at all and will fall off shortly. Lovely, right?? I'm sure Abby will have something to say about it as well. There is a link to her blog, "Thoughts on Katie's Thoughts," on this page.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Link to Pictures

Day Six

Today was great!! Acadia was every bit as spectacular as I had anticipated, and more!! I especially enjoyed the view of Maine from Cadillac Mountain. The mountain is 1,500 feet, one of the highest points on the East coast. We also walked on the beach of Seal Harbor, but didn't see any seals. Keep in mind that the weather was 65 degrees and sunny. I think I could have stayed forever!!
After this we headed to lunch at a tiny restaurant called "Corner Cafe," where I had a wonderful veggie panini. Soon we were at Bar Harbor touring the town. We walked past all kinds of interesting shops, including a clockmaker's shop, a candlemaker's shop, several candy/icecream shops, and some fresh seafood places. We stopped to get ice cream at Ben and Bills. I had Mocha Chip and it was fantastic!! This place was like Willy Wonka's factory, colors and all. It was overwhelming (in a good way). We stopped again in Bangor before heading back to Pittsfield.
- Find the link on this page to see the pictures we took!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day Five

Today I found it difficult to focus because of my anticipation for this weekend, but I think classes were fairly good. There was a performance makeup class scheduled for this afternoon, but instead Ms. Getman rehearsed our character piece (an additional piece) for the showcase until we were short on time. We did, however, end up wearing semi-stage makeup. All three minutes of our piece went very well during the showcase, considering we only had a week to perfect it. Mr. Bossov knows how to whip a piece into shape for a performance. Like he does with classes, he stops us at every mistake until we have it down.
He said that our character piece was a portion of Petrushka by Stravinski, a story about a puppet that comes to life. I think our ballet piece was also based on Petrushka, but he never said so. I hope to have a class on ballet history some time next week!!
Tomorrow I will be on my way to Acadia National Park with Abby, and we leave at 7:00. Thus, unfortunately, I have to cut this entry short and go to sleep. I can promise that tomorrow's entry will be exceptionally good, because I plan on having fun and taking pictures (which I will post to this blog). Thanks, everyone who follows!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day Four

I thought today would be terrible after reading our schedule because, even though it read differently, I saw: "pointe, then pointe, then pointe, then pointe again; we hope your feet fall off." The day was actually great!! Our first pointe class was a pas class (partnering). I had never taken a pas class before so I was a little nervous going in, but as I entered the studio I had to keep myself from falling down of laughter. Mr. Bossov had recruited his stage hands and tech crew to partner us.. they all wore tights. Need I say anything else??
The schedule had an hour and half pointe class down for 1:00, but Mr. Bossov changed it last minute to a ballet class. I think we were all relieved. Unfortunately Mrs. Ana Karpova, who taught, had just received a phone call from her mother to inform her of her grandmother's death. Also, she added, today was her mother's birthday. I almost cried when she broke down, but was able to keep it together. I think I actually connect better with her, now that I know she has a soft side (as a teacher she is extremely challenging).
Next, we headed to another rehearsal, but this time we danced our pointe piece only twice. He turned the rest of our time into an acting session. This time Abby was an elephant and I was a squirrel. This class was almost as hilarious as the first. I'll tell you now, because I left this out last blog, what made our last class so hilarious. Mr. Bossov couldn't think of the English word for wild pig, so Abby thought, "hog." At the same time another girl said, aloud, "boar." Thus, in a hurry, Abby bursted a combo of the two that began with a "w" and ended with an "e." Thankfully I don't think he understood, but the rest of us roared. (laughed of course)
He ended our class thirty minutes early today, and we raced to be the first to shower. After dinner, me, Abby, and two others walked two miles down town to a Rite Aid. I didn't realize how ridiculously expensive things were until I spent $88.00 on a single bag of items like makeup remover, tape, bandaids, and tissues. After our two-mile hike back to the school we spent some time in the gym, which is a studio at the moment. Overall my day was absolutely outstanding!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day Three

Today I woke up shaky an feverish. I took some medication and ate breakfast, which helped. I felt well enough to dance, and I concluded that if class was impossible for me, I'd ask to sit down. It's always better to at least let a teacher know that you've tried than to simply ask, before a class begins, to observe. Class went surprisingly well, in fact, it was one of my best yet.
After technique we headed to a floor barre class with Mr. Bossov. This class was harder than I expected because the floor hurt my hips and knees. The upside: I wore a pair of sweat pants, socks, and a sweater (as opposed to a leotard and tights).
Abby and I ate lunch and then headed to an acting class (also with Mr. Bossov). This was wonderfully fun!! In addition to being a skilled and talented dancer and choreographer, he is an impressive stage actor. He had the nine of us act out a forest scene. I was a tree, and Abby was a wild boar. HAHA!! This was the best part of my day!! At the end of class Mr. Bossov said that, even though it may seem appropriate to honestly cry or laugh during a performance, it is imperative that a dancer has complete control over his character. Thus, he must learn how to direct his emotion. He said that if a dancer becomes emotional during a piece, he must use that energy to enhance his performance.
We went from there to another rehearsal, then showers and dinner- nothing too exciting. Abby and I plan on watching an episode of M*A*S*H tonight before bed. We love it!! It takes our mind off of the stress of the day and days to come.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Two

My second day in Maine was good- more painful than yesterday. I almost couldn't get out of bed this morning. Every muscle in my body is horrendously sore!! I spoke to a few of my classmates and each of them has only had a few days off. I felt like a slacker. Oh well, I have to remind myself that I'll be here for six weeks and most of them only plan on one or two.
My day began with a ballet class with Mr. Bossov. The class was two hours long, but we used every minute of it. Mr. Bossov, unlike most teachers that I've had, will stop us during a routine to make a correction. The class probably spent fifteen minutes on one routine because he paused every thirty seconds. I don't mind this because it works to get us to really master a technique and to think.
My next class was pointe with Ms. Getman. I was privileged to have spent about two minutes with her on a correction. She told me that my roommate would help me, and that if I didn't improve she would be punished. YIKES!! I told Abby that I would most certainly improve. I like Ms. Getman because, of the teachers I've had so far, she seems to best remember personal corrections and is most eager to get to know each of us.
After lunch I had a character class with Mr. Bossov, who is exceptional at this art. I noticed that as he demonstrated a correction for us he seemed to get carried away and perform the entire routine at full speed and with lots of energy, as if he was performing. Somehow I didn't think that he wanted to show off his skill with an "easy" character dance, he only wanted to dance it.
Next we had another rehearsal for the showcase, which went fairly well by my standard. Then, of course, we showered and went to dinner. To have some fun, Abby and I walked down town to find a little shopping center. We saw a one-dollar theatre, an ice cream parlor, a barber shop, and a library. We got a little lost trying to find the grocery store, but one can only be so lost in a virtually infinitesimal town.
Tomorrow a "performance makeup" class is scheduled. FUN!! I know that I'll have that down. My status: I hurt (including my desperate toes, which are in the process of bruising to no end), and I hope tomorrow will be good. I know, my thoughts seem to contradict reality.

Monday, June 21, 2010

- Link to Facebook Photo Album

Day One

Tonight marks the end of my first day with Bossov Ballet Theatre in Pittsfield, Maine. I woke up before my alarm was scheduled to sound (6:30 am), but stayed in bed and listened. Outside I heard the train, which is only about an eighth of mile from my dorm room. The sun was already almost up. At 7:25 Abby and I walked to the cafeteria for breakfast, which consisted of fresh pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, and grapenuts.
From there we walked across campus to our first class of the day, a placement class, and a stressful one. This class was a version of an elimination round. First, Mr. Bossov watched the whole group, and from there he told those to be placed in level one (of four) to stand in a corner. He did this again for level two, and Abby and I were still center, waiting for a verdict. After a long combination Mr. Bossov directed us to a corner; I was a little down, but also a little relieved. To be placed in the highest level of anything means more pressure.
Our next class was a technique class. I can just say that I was absolutely wrong to think that I knew anything about classic Vaganova technique. Ms. Natalya Getman yelled- only proof that none of us had it down. I think it could potentially take all six weeks to dance an acceptable Vaganova, but I'm up for it.. I think.
After a lunch of salad and wonderful hummus, we headed to Mr. Vlademir Karpov's pointe class. I left with a good impression: intimidating, but funny. He speaks extremely broken English, so to communicate he uses a lot of body language. A think by the end of the class he had crossed his eyes, jumped up and down, and impersonated a moose.
The last portion of our time in the studio was a rehearsal with Mr. Bossov for a showcase on Friday. Our piece is short and sweet. I do mean sweet, because we are dolls. Imagine the scene from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.. exactly. From my experience with him, I like Mr. Bossov. He seems to know exactly what he is doing, not to mention his talent for choreography.
At 7:00 pm Col. Wylie met with us in a studio and informed us of a 10:00 pm fire drill. "AaaaaaaaaaHH!!" So, until then my day isn't over.
- I have posted a link to pictures of the gorgeous campus; take a look!!