Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day Forty-One

I apologize for not getting an entry in yesterday. There was simply not enough time after the performance. Speaking of which, it went well. Some pieces of it were better than opening night while some were worse, but that is only to be expected .
I found myself accidentally in tears after bows. I even gave Tim a big hug, despite the fact that he deliberately cracked me down on stage again. I admit that I was dying to be done with this summer at the beginning of the week, but now I miss the rush of the performance and the friends that I made. I feel like the cast became a family. Also, I find it satisfying to know that I was there to absorb the details of this Bossov experience and the drama that went with it . I feel like, even though I never saw the show from the audience's point of view, that I did see a show-- an entirely different show.
Now I am off to Acadia with my whole family and prepared to have a great time!! I look forward to relaxing at the coast. I'm glad to finally escape Pittsfield. So, this is the end of my Summer at Bossov Ballet. Much thanks to everyone who followed the blog. I sincerely appreciate it. Goodbye for while!! I hope to write in the future. Who knows?? Maybe I'll be in Pittsfield again!!